Stop Bullying

The School District of Indian River County is committed to creating a safe and secure environment for all students, teachers, and staff. Reporting bullying, cyberbullying, or harassment is the first step toward making our schools in Indian River County a safe place for everyone. Please report any form of bullying behavior if you experience it, witness it in school, on the bus, at school events, or online. 


Should an act occur during non-school hours it can be reported to a law enforcement agency by calling 911.


  • Don't Stand By, Stand Up!
  • Hear It
    Be aware of bullying
  • Resist It
    Help instead of hurt
  • Speak It
    Tell an adult
  • Health room
  • Guidance/Student Support offices
  • Library
  • Main office



School Board Policy 5517.01 - Bullying and Harassment
FL State Statute 1006.147 - Bullying and Harassment
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Bullying Prevention Center
Hope Scholarship Program