SDIRC parents/legal guardians can click this SDIRC Focus Parent Portal Link to access and view information about their student, including current year attendance, schedules, grades, discipline, standardized test scores, report cards, and online forms.
If you are interested in obtaining your official transcript or student records you can do so by faxing or mailing a request to your school. If the school you attended is no longer open you may request your official transcript or educational records from the District Records Management Office. Please click here for more information on student records and to access the Student Information Request Form.
Parents/legal guardians may also contact their child's school to learn about the course of study. Sources of district adopted instructional and supplementary education materials can be found by visiting the Instructional Materials public-facing webpage.
Student Information Request Form:
Sections 1014.05(1)(b) and 1004.05(1)(f)(3), F.S.