Find Your Path


 Finding Your Path: Preparing and Advising To Higher-education

 Our Mission is to guide students and parents from 9th through 12th grade by assisting them in making a four-year plan, to maximize opportunities in high school. Further in finding appropriate post-secondary opportunities including helping to understand the admissions requirements, financial aid, scholarship process and job readiness.

Finding the right path requires several things such as knowing graduation requirements, the courses offered, and student goals.  Your school counselors are here to help you learn about programs offered, including career & technical certifications available, dual enrollment opportunities and additional educational seals available for your diploma. We hope to create an easy-to-follow guide or pathway for both parents and students to utilize throughout high school to ensure every opportunity for students’ success.

The more prepared and equipped students and parents are, the more realistic the goals, the more collaborative an effort can be made to insure not only academic success, but also maximizing future educational opportunities.