Every student is required to have a School Health/Wellness Form (Spanish) in the health room (previously referred to as the Emergency Card or Emergency Form) this form not only includes emergency contact information but also includes important health information such as allergies and current medical diagnosis and conditions, along with the name of their health care provider. This form gives parental permission to share personal health information in cases of health and safety emergencies.
Sick children should not be sent to school. Students should have no vomiting and be fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication before being sent back to school after an illness. If a student becomes sick at school, a call will be made to the parent or guardian to come pick up the student.
All parents/guardians are responsible for updating their information with the school in case of a move or change in phone number. If the phone number is wrong in the school’s database, school personnel will not be able to notify the parent/guardian in case of an emergency. In case of a serious accident or emergency, emergency services will be called and the school personnel will call the other numbers on the student’s contact list to try to get in touch with the parents/guardians.
Florida Stature 1003.22 requires a physical exam and grade-specific immunization in order to attend schools in Florida. Temporary medical or permanent medical exemptions must be authorized by a medical provider on the required form. Religious exemptions can only be issued from the Health Department. A student will be excluded from school until compliance to these requirements are met.
Indian River County has a No-Nit policy concerning lice. Student are not permitted to remain in school with evidence of live lice or nits.
Children who are suspected of having a contagious disease will be excluded from school until a physician or medical practitioner has evaluated them. The student must bring a note from the medical practitioner when they return to school.
- Kindergarten – vision/hearing
- First – vision/hearing/BMI(growth and development)
- Third – vision/BMI(growth and development)
- Sixth – vision/hearing/BMI/scoliosis
School personnel may recommend additional screenings. Participation in the mandated health screenings is voluntary. However, it is School District policy to only exclude a student if a written notice is received from the parent/guardian prior to the screening day. Parents/guardians whose student has failed a mandated screening will be notified of the results. It is the parent’s responsibility to have the child seen by the appropriate practitioner after being notified by the school of a failed screening.
Parents/guardians must talk with the Health Assistant when their child will be taking any medication at school. Parents/guardians can pick-up a Medication Procedures For Parents Handbook (in Spanish) in the health room. The Parent Handbook has all the necessary forms that need to be completed before accepting your child’s medications. Your school’s Health Assistant will gladly review the Handbook with you and assist with answering any questions you may have. This Parent Handbook details the medication policies and procedures. The Parent Handbook may also be found on the SDIRC website under “Health Services”.
Every medication must have a doctor’s order and a Medication Permission Slip properly filled out in the health room. Medications must be in their original container, properly labeled and not expired. Student medications are given on campus only when the dosing schedule requires it to be given during school hours. No student shall have possession of, or consume any medication during school without these protocols being followed. The only exceptions are emergency inhalers, epinephrine auto-injectors, pancreatic enzymes, and/or diabetic monitoring/treatment supplies and medication when prescribed by a physician. These may be carried by a student if the student has a physician’s order for the medication and the “Permission to Carry” form has been properly filled out and is on file in the health room.
Physician Authorization for Daily Medication
Physician Authorization for As Needed or Emergency Medication