Extended Day Program

** Payment is DUE Monday of each week, or your child may NOT return on Tuesday or any day thereafter until paid in full. NO EXCEPTIONS. **

Registration for the 24-25 school year will open on Monday August 5th.

Please Note the updated weekly tuition fee increase for the 24-25 school year

Extended Day Logo

Welcome to Extended Day

The purpose of our Extended Day Program is to decrease the number of latch-key children by providing services for parents who need support. The program is designed to enrich children's lives educationally, socially, emotionally, and physically in a safe and familiar setting. The program is open on regular school days to students in kindergarten through 5th grades.

Extended Day Program Costs
    SDIRC Employees who qualify 
Registration Fee $32.00 per child $25.00 per child
* Registration for the first child is $32, each additional child is $16 *
Our software has a flat registration fee that we cannot adjust for sibling registration fees. Therefore, for each additional sibling you will be charged the $32 fee, and we will give a credit to your account for $16. We apologize for the inconvenience as it is out of our control. 
Morning Program
1 Day $10.00 per week per child  No Charge
Two to Five Day Week  $25.00 per week per child  $15.00 per week per child
Afternoon Program

1 Day $20.00 per week per child  $10.00 per week per child
Two to Five Day Week  $40.00 per week per child  $30.00 per week per child
Late Fee $10.00 per child every 15 minutes or portion thereof past 6:00pm $10.00 per child every 15 minutes or portion thereof past 6:00pm 
Late Payment Fee $10.00 per child per week when payment is not received on time  $10.00 per child per week when payment is not received on time

Attention SDIRC Employees: The SDIRC Employee Discount form must be filled out in its entirety, signed by your administrator, and MUST have supporting documentation attached to the form and sent to [email protected], prior to online registration. Any questions please call 772-564-6223. Thank you

Extended Day Information


Morning care opens at 7am until 8:20. Students may purchase breakfast.

Afternoon program hours are at the close of the school day until 6:00 p.m. A wide variety of enrichment activities including arts and crafts, computers, music, games, homework assistance, and sports is offered at each site. A low staff/child ratio and nutritious snacks are also features of the program.


All staff are School Board employees and as such, each has been fingerprinted, drug-tested and meets all requirements of School Board employment, including having undergone a criminal background check.


The online registration  must be completed and a $32.00 registration fee paid BEFORE a child may participate in the program. Medical, emergency contact, and special needs information are required.