Food & Nutrition Services

Welcome to Food & Nutrition Services

Food and Nutrition Services is committed to providing the opportunity for every child to eat a well-balanced and nutritious meal daily. In advocating student achievement, our aspiration is to develop life-long eating habits that promote health and wellness through proper nutrition. 


For the 2024-2025 SY, the Food and Nutrition Department will now be using a NEW online system where you can apply for free or reduced priced meals or add funds to your child(rens) account(s). We will NO LONGER be using My School Apps or My School Bucks Linq Connect will begin accepting applications and payments on July 15, 2024.

If you have previously set up an account in Titan, that account will automatically transfer to Linq Connect. Simply sign in to complete your application or make a payment. Any funds remaining on your My School Bucks account will automatically be transferred to the new account for the start of the school year. For questions, please contact Wendy McClellan at 772-564-5025.



Our Goals

The United States Department of Agriculture’s research indicates that children who participate in the National School Breakfast & Lunch Program have superior nutritional intakes compared to those who bring lunch from home or otherwise do not participate. In addition, studies show that proper nutrition improves a child’s behavior, school performance, and cognitive abilities. 

We serve approximately 2.3 million meals each year for $2.75 or less while generating our own revenue to reinvest to the program. Our service to the community prepares children to be engaged students. 

By combining culinary and nutrition talents, our goals are to:

  • Prevent hunger by providing attractive nourishing meals in a welcoming atmosphere
  • Contribute to student success
  • Offer nutrition education to students, employees, and the community
  • Maintain a safe and clean environment

Strategic Objectives

Student SuccessIn advocating student achievement, our aspiration is to develop life-long eating habits that promote health and wellness through proper nutrition.

Culture & ClimateProvide all students with a safe learning environment and a welcoming atmosphere.

High Quality WorkforceAttract, hire, support, and retain a high-quality workforce.

Communication and EngagementCommunicate and engage with students to build awareness and trust.

Strategic PartnershipsOffer nutrition education to students, employees, and the community.

Director of Food & Nutrition Services

  Dr. Traci Simonton


  Support Service Complex
      6055 62nd Ave, Vero Beach FL 32967

Department Contacts

Food Service Specialist
 Amie Exclusa

Nutrition Specialist
Mellisa Toperzer

Accounts Payable Clerk
 Leigh Pugh

Marketing/Quality and Control Specialist

Shelly Geason


Field/Technical Operations Manager
Wendy McClellan