Title III focuses on helping English Language Learners (ELLs) achieve English proficiency – as a means to academic achievement.
Title III funding is annually awarded to states; the district received funding according to the number of ELLs
Title III prohibits supplanting state, local, and other federal funds (including Title I).
Purpose of Title III Funds
Title III funds are intended to improve the educational achievement of ELLs by increasing their English language proficiency and ability to meet the same state standards and challenging academic content as all children are expected to meet.
Districts must use Title III funds for:
• Supplemental programs that increase English language proficiency and student achievement in core academic content classes and cause ELLs to master challenging academic standards.
• Supplemental high-quality professional development to classroom teachers, principals, administrators, and other school personnel regarding ELLs
• Parental and Community Participation in the Educational Experience of ELLs
Title III Funds may be used for:
• Upgrading program objectives and instructional strategies to improve the English proficiency and academic achievement of ELLs
• Improving ELL instruction through updating/upgrading ELL curriculum, materials, or technology
• Tutoring, including extended day/summer programs
• Developing/implementing elementary or secondary language instruction programs coordinated with other relevant programs, including dual language programs
• Providing family involvement activities, including parent literacy workshops and acculturation support
• Collaborating with community partners to create programs for ELLs and their families
• Supplemental professional development
Title III Supplement, not Supplant Requirement
Title III funds must be used to supplement the level of Federal, State, and local funds that, in the absence of Title III funds, would have been expended for programs for ELLs and immigrant children and youth.