The Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act
Budget Years 2020-2023

100% expended

The ESSER II funds under the CRRSA Act were provided to address the impact the novel coronavirus pandemic had, and continues to have, on elementary and secondary schools in Florida. This includes helping school districts safely reopen schools and take other actions as necessary to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on the students and their families.

ESSER II funds were broken into 5 separate grant programs through the Florida Department of Education each with a separate application and unique requirements.

2A. Advanced Funding Released FY 2020-21

The Advanced Funding may be used for any allowable purpose under the ESSER II provisions of CRRSA. The Florida Department of Education approved spending plan for the SDIRC is composed of expenditures stated below.

Budget Expenditures & Encumbrances Balance 
Transitional Teacher Salary & Benefits $5,102,352.91 $5,102,352.91 $0.00 
Charter Schools Allocation $786,479.52 $786,479.52  $0.00
Indirect Cost $266,152.57 $266,152.57 $0.00 
TOTAL $6,154,985.00 $6,154,985.00 $0.00 

2B. Academic Acceleration

Under CRRSA, each school district must use a portion of its Academic Acceleration allocation to remediate learning loss. 

Budget Expenditures & Encumbrances   Balance
Textbook Adoption for English Language Arts $ 2,200,988.40 $ 2,200,988.40 $0.00 
Charter Schools Allocation $339,375.41 $339,375.41 $0.00 
Indirect Cost $127, 018.19 $127, 018.19 $0.00 
TOTAL $2,667,382.00 $2,667,382.00 $0.00 

2C. Lump Sum

The Lump Sum may be used for any allowable purpose under the ESSER II provisions of CRRSA. The Florida Department of Education approved spending plan for the SDIRC is composed of expenditures stated below.

Budget Expenditures & Encumbrances  Balance 
Textbook Adoption for English Language Arts $385,211.80 $385,211.80 $0.00 
School Counselors  $1,337,231.02 $1,337,231.02 $0.00 
Technology Implementation for Students and Staff $1,012,285.97 $1,012,285.97 $0.00 
Charter Schools Allocation $ 421,674.07 $ 421,674.07 $0.00 
Indirect Cost $ 157,820.14 $ 157,820.14 $0.00 
TOTAL $3,314,223.00 $3,314,223.00 $0.00 

2D. Technology Assistance

Under CRRSA, Technology Assistance funds must be used for costs associated with purchasing educational technology for students, including low income students and students with disabilities.

Budget Expenditures & Encumbrances  Balance 
Technology Implementation for Students and Staff $550,247.51 $550,247.51 $0.00 
Charter Schools Allocation $84,843.92 $84,843.92  $0.00
Indirect Cost $31,754.57 $31,754.57 $0.00 
TOTAL $666,846.00 $666,846.00 $0.00 

2E. Non-Enrollment Assistance

A portion of the Non Enrollment Assistance funds must be used for the purpose of locating and determining the well-being of the unaccounted students. 

Budget Expenditures & Encumbrances  Balance  
Textbook Adoption for English Language Arts $348,578.11 $348,578.11 $0.00 
Social Worker for unaccounted students $89,152.46 $89,152.46 $0.00 
Charter Schools Allocation $67,875.03 $67,875.03  $0.00
Indirect Cost $25,280.28 $ 25,280.28 $0.00 
TOTAL $530,885.88 $530,885.88 $0.00