A program focusing on the safe management of disruptive & assaultive behavior. Teaches techniques on how to de-escalate an agitated student and avert a potentially volatile situation. Philosophy -To provide the best CARE, Welfare, Safety, and Security to all individuals. The SDIRC provides training opportunities for staff across all schools in the district to ensure that schools have a crisis response team that can provide non-violent physical crisis management for students who put themselves or another in imminent danger.

A research and evidence based universal positive behavioral framework and program that is implemented for all students within a school setting that promotes academic and behavioral success in students and has shown to help build positive school climate culture.

Intervention Central provides teachers, schools, and districts with free resources to help struggling learners and implement Response to Intervention and attain the Common Core State Standards.

FAU Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD) provides expert consulting, training, and support, at no charge, for people with autism and related disabilities, their families, employers, the professionals and community and governmental agencies serving them. http://coe.fau.edu/centersandprograms/card/

The SDIRC has teamed up with SEDNET and Tykes & Teens to provide training to school based staff district wide to develop skills in recognizing and responding to the presence of trauma symptoms in students, including specific classroom strategies to mitigate the impact of trauma in student learning environments.

The Multiagency Network for Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disabilities (SEDNET) creates and facilitates a network of key stakeholders committed to assisting in the provision of a quality system of care for students with or at-risk of emotional and/or behavioral challenges.