Title I Information

Title I Part A Information

What Is Title I?

Title I (Part A) is the largest federal program in grades K-12 education. Title I Part A, is intended to help ensure that all children have the opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach proficiency on challenging state academic standards and assessments. Title I focuses on promoting schoolwide reform in high-poverty schools and ensuring students' access to evidence based instructional strategies and challenging academic content.

The School District of Indian River County currently serves 12 schools with "school-wide programs," that in combination with other federal funds, are used to upgrade the entire school program. 

Title I Brochure

Programa de Título I

Which SDIRC Schools Have Title I Programs?

How Do Schools Qualify to Receive Title I Funds?

Each year, the school district ranks its public schools in order of poverty and then selects the schools to be served. The poverty level is determined by the number of enrolled students who fill out a free and/or reduced price lunch application and meet the requirements for that program. The District must serve all schools above 75% poverty in rank order. After funding those schools, the District may serve schools ranked lower than 75%. 

Why are Title I funds allocated exclusively to high poverty schools? 

Research studies done over the past 30 years show conclusively that schools with high concentrations of economically disadvantaged students generally demonstrate lower levels of achievement than do schools with lower concentrations of economically disadvantaged students. Since the School District of Indian River County operates only school-wide programs, all children attending Title I schools participate in the Title I program.

How Are Schools Allocated Title I funds?

How can Title I funds be used at the school site? 

Title 1 funds can be used to improve curriculum, instructional activities, parental involvement, increase staff and for overall program improvement. The funding must assist schools in meeting the educational goals of low-income students. Each school's Title I program focus is determined through a Comprehensive Needs Assessment that examines multiple sources of data to identify the priority needs of the school.

Do Private Schools Also Receive Title I Funds?

Under Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) school districts are required to provide services in private schools that qualify to receive Title I funds. Section 1120 of Title I, Part A, requires a participating LEA to provide eligible children attending private elementary and secondary schools, their teachers, and their families with Title I services or other benefits that are equitable to those provided to eligible public school children, their teachers, and their families. As a result of consultation with representatives of the private schools, these services are negotiated and may include remedial reading and/or mathematics tutorial services that support the regular instructional program in qualifying private schools. Title I funds support family engagement initiatives as well. 

Parent & Family Engagement Plans