For Homeless Children and Youth
The District will provide services to homeless students that are comparable to other students in the District, including:
A. transportation services;
B. public preschool programs and other educational programs and services for which the homeless student meets eligibility criteria including:
1. programs for children with disabilities
2. programs for English learners (ELs) (i.e., students with Limited English Proficiency (LEP));
3. programs in career and technical education;
4. programs for gifted and talented students;
5. school nutrition programs; and
6. before - and after-school programs.
Immediate Enrollment
The District has an obligation to remove barriers to the enrollment and retention of homeless students. If a school other than the student’s school of origin is chosen on the basis of a best interest determination, the homeless student must be immediately enrolled, even if the student does not have the documentation typically necessary for enrollment, such as immunization and other required health records, proof of residency, proof of guardianship, birth certificate, or previous academic records. The homeless student must also be enrolled immediately regardless of whether the student missed application or enrollment deadlines during the period of homelessness, fails to meet uniform or dress code requirements, or has outstanding fines or fees. Please refer to Board Policy 5111.01.